
DeroGold Variety Hour

4 min readAug 4, 2020


It’s that time again. We have released our DeroGold core suite software version v0.4.2.2.

Time to upgrade.

We have re-enabled to send fusion transactions via payment gateway Derogold-service and via legacy zedwallet. Our users will be pleased to hear that we have also reduced fees for fusion transactions (to allow you to optimize your wallets) to 0 DEGO. This change is effective the fork at 2,361,823. At the time of writing this update, the fork is about 2 days and 22 hours away.

Other updates include allowing maximum 600kb blocks in our network to ensure smooth transaction processing & syncing of our nodes. Again, this feature activates at 2,361,823. Please make sure that you update your nodes prior hitting the fork height, otherwise you will not be able to sync your node and use your node to send transactions.

Lately, DeroGold has been advertising. Early in June we talked about ways to promote DeroGold and I settled upon advertising. As you know, we had in the past promoted one of our YouTube videos for the crowdfunding campaign. Well now I have begun running ad campaigns since June 7th.

Our ad campaign

We started with Microsoft Bing ads and after a couple of months we have seen lots of impressions on our ad as well as more people subscribed to our YouTube channel. I also had an ad campaign running on Yahoo ads which lasted only 8 days. Yahoo terminated our account and gave us no reason for the termination. We broke no rules so that was very strange and uncalled for by them.

Still though, our Microsoft Bing ads have been running strongly and I have talked with professional ads specialists to fine tune the campaign for optimum performance. Hopefully all these impressions will lead to more subscribers and people joining our robust community! As it stands we currently have nearly 1500 members in our Discord, 203 followers to our Twitter, 178 subscribers on our YouTube channel, and 19 followers on our Medium. Be sure to follow us on all our social media, here’s the links if you aren’t on them already: DeroGold


If you are curious about how our TipBot promotion has been going since our last article about 2 months ago well here are some of the current TipBot stats:

Current TipBot Stats as of August 2nd 2020

Discord Servers Currently in: 208 (30.8176% increase)

Total Users Online: 35,299 (55.0037% increase)

Total Unique Users: 231,228 (31.449% increase)

Total Discord Channels Spanned: 8,332 (33.547% increase)

Recently, XFG (FandomGold) was added to TipBot as one of our supported currencies and NBXC (Nibble) was added to the faucet. In addition to these additions, Pluton has worked on adding games to TIpBot and added new command .freetip which allows users to gift a free tip in chat, so you better be quick to click the emoji to claim it if you see one pop up! Pluton has also made it that you can be rewarded by playing games. Your first 25 game plays that day can be for a prize of random coins! These games are operated by typing in the .game command ( e.g. .game slot, .game bj, etc.). The games currently playable in our discord bots channel are as follows:

Game of slots

.game slot (a game of slots, mainly requires luck)

.game bj (a game of black jack, card game with skill)

.game maze (a game with a maze, try to reach the end)

.game hangman (a game of hangman, try to guess the words letter by letter)

.game bagel (a game of logic, try to guess the numbers)

Current TipBot Faucet and TipBot Games Stats:

Total Faucet Claims: 32,898

Total Faucet Paid:

  1. 13,965,393.42 WRKZ
  2. 32,240,461.1876 BTCMZ
  3. 33,451,799.45 DEGO
  4. 92,237.61 TRTL
  5. 5.635746 NBXC
  6. 287.3000 DOGE

Total Game Plays: 4,937

Free (played with no possible reward): 1624

Paid (played with possible reward for win): 3313

Total Game Paid:

  1. 423,000 WRKZ
  2. 4,920,500 DEGO
  3. 3,900 TRTL
  4. 383,500 BTCMZ




The DeroGold Association is the future of crypto today and we welcome you aboard.