Early 2021 Update

3 min readFeb 9, 2021

Hello to all you loyal DeroGold Medium followers and hello to you new readers as well. Finally, the year is 2021 and we are all happy about that but it has been a while since you have heard an update officially from us. As you may have noticed, we started a new vlog series for documenting building islands on our YouTube channel linked here: https://youtube.com/c/DeroGold.

This vlog series was going quite well but I had to take a break because it is very time consuming to plan everything for it and do all the associated tasks for it while also juggling all the research and any other thing that may pop up in life. I am planning to return to doing new videos sometime soon though and with those new videos we can begin to show off a demo. This material showcase should be set to begin sometime within the next couple videos and will help people understand just what exactly is ferrock and what can it do for you. Also, what this means for us and the islands building going forward as we test its abilities and how it holds up in the marine environment. From what we understand it looks to be very promising so be sure to follow the videos as they come out and like, subscribe, and share our channel.

Now in regards to the technical side of things, 2020 was good for us as the coin grew and evolved. We got proof of work on transactions, blockchain bloat has been tackled well, and we focused on other stuff you may have seen in discussions. One such is planning for an algo change. The thought is to get onto a new algo to give us bigger hash numbers (who doesn’t love bigger numbers?) as well as make it possible to merge mine with some different new coins. That’s not all though; we have more stuff still to do like the planned mobile wallet among many other things, so stay tuned to our GitHub and announcements for the latest news in regard to DeroGold development. And as always, we would love to see new contributors and code reviewers, so stop on by and put your dev hat on to help us get better together so we can all prosper :)

Last but not least you may have seen an announcement for a new token called Binance Tipz if you are in our Discord. Binance Tipz, also known as BTIPZ, is an innovative project meant to help give new life to TipBot, the application service that provides DeroGold with the environment you have come to know and love on Discord. BTIPZ was created by Pluton, the creator of TipBot, and I tried to help him as much as I can along the way because I believe in TipBot’s success and see how great its potential is. So check out Binance Tipz to learn more about how TipBot can reward you and see just how much bigger DeroGold can grow with TipBot. Also, be sure to invite TipBot to all your discord servers today!




The DeroGold Association is the future of crypto today and we welcome you aboard.